4 research outputs found

    Diameter of the spike-flow graphs of geometrical neural networks

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    Full article is available at Springerlink: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-31464-3_52 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31464-3_52Average path length is recognised as one of the vital characteristics of random graphs and complex networks. Despite a rather sparse structure, some cases were reported to have a relatively short lengths between every pair of nodes, making the whole network available in just several hops. This small-worldliness was reported in metabolic, social or linguistic networks and recently in the Internet. In this paper we present results concerning path length distribution and the diameter of the spike-flow graph obtained from dynamics of geometrically embedded neural networks. Numerical results confirm both short diameter and average path length of resulting activity graph. In addition to numerical results, we also discuss means of running simulations in a concurrent environment

    Scale-freeness and small-world phenomenon in information-flow graphs of geometrical neural networks

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    In this dissertation we set out to study a simplified model of activation flow in artificial neural networks with geometrical embedding. The model provides a mathematical description of abstract neural activation transfer in terms, which bear resemblances to multi-value Boltzmann-like evolution. The activation-preserving constraint mimics a critical regime of the dynamics and, along with accounting for geometrical location of the neurons, makes the system more feasible for modelling of real-world networks. We focus on scale invariance or scale-freeness and small-world phenomena in the said networks. Our results clearly confirm presence of both features at the functional level of the activity-flow graph. We show that the degree distribution preserves a power-law shape with the exponent value approximately equal to -2. In addition, we present our results concerning characteristic path length in the said graphs, which grows roughly logarithmically with the size of the network, while the clustering coefficient turns out to be relatively high. Taken together, the clustering and path length ratios are surprisingly high, and thus confirm large both local and global efficiency of the network. Finally, we compare the properties of activation-flow model to those reported in neurobiological analyses of brain networks recorded with functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI). There is a strong agreement between the shape and exponent value of degree distribution also the clustering and characteristic path lengths are comparable in both the model and medical data.Celem niniejszej rozprawy jest analiza uproszczonego modelu przep艂ywu aktywno艣ci w sztucznych sieciach neuronowych zanurzonych w przestrzeni geometrycznej. Przedstawiony model dostarcza matematycznego opisu transferu aktywno艣ci w terminach zbli偶onych do wielowarto艣ciowych maszyn Boltzmanna. Wym贸g zachowania sta艂ej sumarycznej aktywno艣ci odzwierciedla krytyczno艣膰 dynamiki i wraz z uwzgl臋dnieniem wp艂ywu lokalizacji geometrycznej neuron贸w sprawia, 偶e system jest bardziej adekwatny do modelowania rzeczywistych sieci. Badania koncentruj膮 si臋 na bezskalowo艣ci oraz fenomenie ma艂ego 艣wiata w wy偶ej wymienionych sieciach. Uzyskane rezultaty potwierdzaj膮 obecno艣膰 obu w艂asno艣ci w omawianych grafach. Poka偶emy, 偶e rozk艂ad stopni wej艣ciowych wierzcho艂k贸w zachowuje si臋 jak funkcja pot臋gowa z wyk艂adnikiem r贸wnym -2. Ponadto prezentujemy wyniki dotycz膮ce charakterystycznej d艂ugo艣ci 艣cie偶ki, kt贸ry ro艣nie logarytmicznie wraz z wielko艣ci膮 systemu, podczas gdy wsp贸艂czynnik klasteryzacji okazuje si臋 do艣膰 du偶y. W konsekwencji stosunek klasteryzacji do d艂ugo艣ci 艣cie偶ek jest zaskakuj膮co wysoki, co jest dystynktywn膮 w艂asno艣ci膮 sieci ma艂ego 艣wiata. Wreszcie, dokonujemy por贸wnania cech omawianego modelu przep艂ywu aktywno艣ci z neuro-biologicznymi rezultatami, przedstawionymi w badaniach graf贸w m贸zgowych z danych uzyskanych z funkcjonalnego obrazowania z wykorzystaniem rezonansu magnetycznego (fMRI). Wskazujemy siln膮 odpowiednio艣膰 pomi臋dzy kszta艂tem i warto艣ci膮 wyk艂adnika rozk艂adu stopni, za艣 klasteryzacja i charakterystyczna d艂ugo艣膰 艣cie偶ki s膮 por贸wnywalne w modelu i danych medycznych

    Eigenvalue Spectra of Functional Networks in fMRI Data and Artificial Models

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    Full paper available at Springerlink: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38658-9_19In this work we provide a spectral comparison of functional networks in fMRI data of brain activity and artificial energy-based neural model. The spectra (set of eigenvalues of the graph adjacency matrix) of both networks turn out to obey similar decay rate and characteristic power-law scaling in their middle parts. This extends the set of statistics, which are already confirmed to be similar for both neural models and medical data, by the graph spectrum

    Spectra of the Spike-Flow Graphs in Geometrically Embedded Neural Networks

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    Full article available at Springerlink: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-29347-4_17 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29347-4_17In this work we study a simplified model of a neural activity flow in networks, whose connectivity is based on geometrical embedding, rather than being lattices or fully connected graphs. We present numerical results showing that as the spectrum (set of eigenvalues of adjacency matrix) of the resulting activity-based network develops a scale-free dependency. Moreover it strengthens and becomes valid for a wider segment along with the simulation progress, which implies a highly organised structure of the analysed graph